Auli Viidalepp

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Auli Viidalepp is a Research Fellow in Semiotics at the University of Tartu (Estonia) and a Visiting Researcher at the University of Turin (Italy). Currently, she is developing an analytical framework based on cultural semiotics to investigate the impact and functioning of AI-generated media in society.

In 2023, she founded a research network called Technosemiotics.

latest publications

(forthcoming) Apotheosis, apocalypse, and the epistemic collapse: technology and the fear of future. In Through the Lens of Dread: Exploring the Meaning-Making of Fear in the Mediasphere, edited by Merit Maran, Andreas Ventsel, Mari-Liis Madisson. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press.

(forthcoming) Artificial intelligence as a filter and as a philter. Lexia. Rivista di Semiotica.

Arkhipova, Daria; Viidalepp, Auli (2023). Lotman’s semiotics of culture in the age of AI: analyzing the cultural dynamics of AI-generated video art in the semiosphere. Semiotica, 1−12. DOI: 10.1515/sem-2023-0167.

Viidalepp, Auli (2023) The Expected AI as a Sociocultural Construct and its Impact on the Discourse on Technology. PhD Thesis, University of Tartu. (Full thesis file including articles available in Researchgate)

latest conference presentations

22.01.2025. The role of narratives in the weaponisation of deepfakes. Winter School “Narrative and the Mind”, Groningen, 20–24 January 2025. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14708733

23.10.2024. The AI as an envirotechnical system. doi:10.5281/zenodo.13983378

05.09.2024. Apotheosis, apocalypse, and the epistemic collapse: technology and the semiotics of fear. doi:10.5281/zenodo.13692242

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